Building Financial Futures, Promoting Shareholder Engagement

Building Financial Futures — 

On 4 October 2024, BETTER FINANCE in collaboration with its member organisations World Federation of Investors and New Savers will host a conference on promoting shareholder engagement and financial literacy. This event promises to bring together leading experts and stakeholders in the field of finance and investment.

The conference, being held in Milan, Italy. LCA Studio Legale – via della Moscova 18

Conference: Building Financial Futures PROGRAMME

Mark your calendars and join us online via the livestream on BETTER FINANCE’s YouTube channel:
If you would like to join the event in Milan in person or virtually, please send us a request via email [email protected]

09:30 – 10:00 Registration and Coffee

10:00 – 10:10 Welcome Remarks

Paolo Brambilla, Chair, New Savers

10:10 – 10:20 Introduction

Mark Northway, Chair, World Federation of Investors

10:20 – 10:40 Keynote Speech Cristina Tajani, Senator, Italian Parliament Financial Commission

10:40 – 11:00 – Keynote Speech  What individual investors look for in financial advisory services

Maria Antonella Massari, Secretary General, AIPB

11:00 – 11:40 – Round Table Discussion Investor Access to Shares and Mutual Funds – The Role of Banks

Alessia Potecchi, Department of Economy and Finance, PD Party
Paolo Mazzanti, Director, Askanews
Marco Bacini, Professor, LUM University
Riccardo Sorrentino, President, Journalists’ Association of Lombardia;
Giampaolo Berni Ferretti, Councillor, Milan’s First District
Benedetta Cosmi, Journalist

11:40 – 12:10 – Coffee Break

12:10 – 12:30 – Keynote Speech Transition Investing and Engagement

Jella Benner-Heinacher, President, BETTER FINANCE

12:30 – 13:15 – Round Table Discussion

Financial Education and the Role of Stock Exchanges

Massimo Giorgini, Senior Equity Sales Manager, Borsa Italiana
Lars-Erik Forsgårdh, World Federation of Investors
Pat Donnelly, BetterInvesting (United States)
Kristjan Verbic, President, VZMD President
Giedrius Steponkus, Chairman, Lithuanian Investors Association
Lapo Mazza Fontana, Journalist

13:15 – 13:30 – Keynote Speech Gaetano Visalli, General Secretary, International Agency for Cooperation and Peace – Trade Point – ONU

Ufficio Stampa
Trendiest Media
Paolo Brambilla [email protected]


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